Dr. Michael Gordon
Dr. Michael Gordon is a Medical Doctor at Greene County Hospital.
He is a seasoned physician and currently resides in Eutaw, AL.
Dr. Gordon graduated the top of his class and received an athletic
scholarship and an ROTC scholarship to attend school at Henderson
State University. He attended the University of North Texas on an
academic scholarship in Biology/Chemistry and graduated as Valedictorian.
He received a national scholarship with the US Army to attend medical
school at the University of Texas Health Service Center in San Antonia,
TX where he graduated in 1992.
Dr. Gordon’s Army career and extensive medical experience afforded him
opportunities to serve in several states. He also served in the US Army
Medical Corp Reserves and as one of the team of physicians working with
the Olympics in Atlanta. After completing his tour of active duty,
he started working in the Black Belt in 2000. He started his career in Greene County in 2015.
He has three children born during his tour of duty and who are his pride and joy.
He has now made Greene County his home. His family life includes spending time with
his mother, his fiancé, Lisa and other family which includes three rescue dogs and
feral cats. Dr. Gordon said, “I am thankful to serve all patients in this community
and continue to work with the Greene County Team.” As the Greene County Health System
enters each new year, he will “Continue to serve Greene County and the Black Belt.”