Price Information
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has established requirements for hospitals operating in the United States to establish, update, and make public a list of their standard charges for the items and services that they provide. HHS felt these actions necessary to promote price transparency in health care and public access to hospital standard charges. By disclosing hospital standard charges, HHS believes the public (including patients, employers, clinicians, and other third parties) will have the information necessary to make more informed decisions about their care.
Greene County Hospital
Standard Charges
The federal government, specifically the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, requires all hospitals to post their "standard charges" on the hospital's website. Greene County Hospital has provided information for inpatient items and services.
The Greene County Health System entities utilize federal agency fee schedules in determining the pricing for its services. Every effort is made to provide accurate information as of the date the pricing is posted. Due to the dependence on the federal and commercial insurance programs fee determinations, the organization does not make any guarantee that the price charged for services rendered will automatically match the pricing posted.
We encourage all patients to find out as much as they can about the cost of their care before coming to the hospital. This information is known as a ‘chargemaster’. The chargemaster is not intended as a tool for patients to comparison shop between hospitals. It is also not to be used to estimate out of pocket costs. If you have insurance, you should check with your insurance company to identify covered services, co-payments and deductibles. The same is true if you are on Medicaid or Medicare. If you do not have health coverage, call 205-372-3388 and ask to speak with the hospital patient account representative. This person can provide estimates of your bill and work with you to come up with a plan for payment, if necessary.
The information provided is not necessarily all-inclusive of all possible services provided by the organization.
These fee schedules do not reflect all information required for reimbursement of procedures such as prior authorization
requirements, provider type and specialty restrictions, or other coverage restrictions.
Greene County Health Systems has provided the attached file to assist the consumer in identifying in advance the
standard charges associated with 300 services at their facility.
The information listed for each service reflects the following:
Standard Charge Discounted Cash Price – the charge that applies to an individual who pays cash or cash equivalent Payer-Specific Negotiated Charge – the charge that the hospital has negotiated with a third-party payer for the service
This information is provided as a guide to determine anticipated charges. The information is not a contractual agreement between the hospital and the consumer. Individual costs will be based on specific services provided. We advise that the consumer consult with their health insurer to confirm individual payment responsibilities and any remaining deductible balances.Greene County Hospital Shoppable Services Notes
Greene County Hospital Shoppable Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Fee Schedules
A fee schedule is a complete listing of fees used by Medicare to pay doctors or other providers/suppliers. This comprehensive
listing of fee maximums is used to reimburse a physician and/or other providers on a fee-for-service basis. The Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) develop fee schedules for physicians, ambulance services, clinical laboratory
services, and durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies. The link below will allow you to see other
related CMS links for information about each specific fee schedule.
Fees Schedule
Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Alabama
If you are covered by Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Alabama, you can use their online Treatment Cost Estimator. This tool allows
members to search different treatments and find out what the cost will be to them based on their actual benefits.
Click here for the Cost Tool Estimator.
Out of Pocket Cost Estimator
A fee schedule is a complete listing of fees used by Medicare to pay doctors or other providers/suppliers. This comprehensive
listing of fee maximums is used to reimburse a physician and/or other providers on a fee-for-service basis. The Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) develop fee schedules for physicians, ambulance services, clinical laboratory
services, and durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies. The link below will allow you to see other
related CMS links for information about each specific fee schedule.
Out of Pocket Cost Estimator
Blue Cross and Blue Shield is committed to assisting its members through this pandemic. To see their work and commitments to the
health care communities they serve.
Click Here to see their work