Dr. Salahuddin Farooqui
Dr. Salahuddin Farooqui joined Greene County Health System in 1998 after completing
Internal Medicine residency training from New York. He has diligently served the
Greene County Health System patients for almost 22 years.
He was born in Karachi, Pakistan and moved to the United States in 1993 after graduating
from Dow Medical College. After completing one year of internship at Civil Hospital
Karachi he passed the United States Medical Licensing Exam in 1992 and joined New York
Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn NY. He completed three years of residency training in
Internal Medicine and did 1 ½ years of Fellowship in Hematology/Oncology.
Before coming to Eutaw, he passed his 1st Board Certification Exam in Internal Medicine in
1996 and then recertified twice in Internal Medicine in 2006 & 2017.
After Board Certification in Internal Medicine, he joined West Alabama Health Systems in 1998
where he worked until 2001. In 2001, he was appointed as Internal Medicine/Family Medicine
Physicians in Greene County Health Systems until present.
He has 2 brothers who are practicing physicians back home in Pakistan. He and his wife, Mussarat,
have 2 kids, Zain who is 15 in 10th grade & Aleena who is 12 in 7th grade in Vestavia Hills School System.
His “free” time is spent listening to music, travelling & spending time with my kids & wife.
With almost 22 years in Greene County, Dr. Farooqui says, “I feel like this community, like my home is
very helping and I am satisfied with working in Greene County. I will continue to provide health care
to the citizens of Eutaw, Greene County with my colleague physicians & practitioners.”